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Quality control/tutorial on graphics editing for inexperienced users?
Posted: 17 Mar 2021 08:40
devastator Posts: 25 Joined: 2020-12-05
recently i've noticed a lot of artwork being uploaded in distorted aspect rations by users, who obviously don't know how to use a graphics editor.
Don't want to bash anyone here, but i listen to alot of metal and one user stood out bc i see his stuff alot: Betzebu
Examples would be sth like this:
or this:
There are a lot of obscure bands out there where it is hard to find high res art for,
but often the problem is simply that users just don't have the knowledge of how to edit these images they find online.
So maybe...
introduce some sort of quality control or "trial period" for new users, where they can show their ability for basic graphic editing?
Since i don't want to be all negative, here is a suggestion:
I can upload a tutorial here on my process, how i find art and edit it, specially for new users.
For basic editing i use IrfanView and Photoshop for cleanup/clearlogo creation etc, but i could adapt that guide easily for free software/browser software like
Opinions, suggestions?
Posted: 17 Mar 2021 13:02
zag Posts: 259 Joined: 2020-07-14
Yep I've noticed this as well but I'm not sure moderation will fix it.
Having experienced the high standards of as a user and having images denied for seemingly small reasons I basically gave up uploading over there.
I really want us to remain open to new users even if they mess it up
There is a case for better guides or Youtube tutorials for this.
One thing where do do differ is that anyone can overwrite a previous image, if people see a bad image feel free to upload with something better.
Posted: 17 Mar 2021 20:07
devastator Posts: 25 Joined: 2020-12-05
Having experienced the high standards of as a user and having images denied for seemingly small reasons I basically gave up uploading over there.
same, but they have good tutorials, e.g. for creating clear logos with Photoshop.
I really want us to remain open to new users even if they mess it up
ofc, that goes without saying
One thing where do do differ is that anyone can overwrite a previous image, if people see a bad image feel free to upload with something better.
i tend to to that for quality/taste or "logical" reasons
(e.g. Metallica only had fanart representing their current lineup)
There is a case for better guides or YouTube tutorials for this.
hm... quick and easy is the key here imho.
Regular users probably don't want a drawn out course in photo editing, just some pics of their fave bands (in their media center).
So - in a few days, time permitting, i'll create a tutorial here for quick and easy editing as well as finding images, the powers that be may use it as they seem fit.
👍 zag
Posted: 01 Apr 2021 08:57
devastator Posts: 25 Joined: 2020-12-05
plz kick Betzebu or warn him or sth.
His garbage artwork uploads en masse are ruining this site.