Home / Forum / General Discussion / Is there a way to force a reimport of album(s) from MusicBrainz when MusicBrainzRecording ID's are out of date?

Is there a way to force a reimport of album(s) from MusicBrainz when MusicBrainzRecording ID's are out of date?

Posted: 26 Feb 2023 16:48
Posts: 3
Joined: 2020-07-17

I understand a while back there was a kerfuffle on MusicBrainz between RecordingID and ReleaseTrackId, so many got updated. However some albums on TheAudioDb still point to a correct ReleaseGroupID, but the individual tracks have outdated RecordingID's that when clicked will redirect to new ones on MusicBrainz. This however means that an API lookup on TheAudioDB using the new RecordingID will fail, as it still links via the old id.

So is there an easy way to trigger such albums to reimport the track ID's from MusicBrainz?

An example is:-
Where the first track's MusicBrainz ID will redirect from

I haven't checked the rest of the tracks (or albums in this series) but I suspect many more are out of date. Maybe if someone clicks on one of the tracks, TheAudioDb can request the url itself and if it gets a 301 redirect detect then trigger a refresh of the data, or pop up a box informing them the data is out of date and would they like to request an update. These update requests could be added to a queue to happen within next 24 hours.

Posted: 01 Mar 2023 13:43
Posts: 259
Joined: 2020-07-14

Hmm yes we can re-import and albums, maybe just link any here.

Hopefully its not too many....

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