Site Home / Forum / General Discussion / Enhancements to the Alternate Name field for artists
Enhancements to the Alternate Name field for artists
Posted: 12 Oct 2022 17:56
MisterP Posts: 6 Joined: 2021-02-01
Many artists have a name that is The xxxx format, so searching for xxxx does not find them. There is also the xxxx, The format, just to confuse things.
There is only 1 Alternate Name field, so all possibilities cannot be covered. It would be much more user-friendly for the search to do the The checks automatically.
SELECT ... WHERE artist_name = 'supplied_name' OR artist_name = 'The supplied_name' OR artist_name = 'supplied_name, The';
That would leave the Alternate Name field for more useful things like A & B rather than A And B.
If you point me at the code, I would be happy to assist.
Posted: 12 Oct 2022 17:57
zag Posts: 259 Joined: 2020-07-14
Yeh it's not ideal but you can put multiple alternative names in with a comma currently. The search should pick it up.
There is room for improvements for sure, especially with the ",The" thing as well. I will have a think.
Posted: 12 Oct 2022 17:57
MisterP Posts: 6 Joined: 2021-02-01
This should probably have gone in the Developers section, but I don't know how to move it.