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Michael Jackson
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First Released

Calendar Icon 1982


Genre Icon Pop


Mood Icon Quirky


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format

Release Format Icon Album

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Speed Icon Epic

World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 65,000,000 copies

Album Description
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Thriller ist das sechste Studioalbum des US-amerikanischen Sängers Michael Jackson. Es erschien am 30. November 1982 bei Epic Records. Wie beim Vorgängeralbum Off the Wall (1979) war Quincy Jones der Produzent, während Jackson bei dessen selbstgeschriebenen Titeln als Produzent fungierte und bei ihrer zweiten Zusammenarbeit einen deutlich stärkeren Einfluss auf das Album ausübte. Mit Thriller avancierte er zum weltweit kommerziell erfolgreichsten Popsänger der 1980er Jahre.

Das Album verbindet Genres wie Pop, R&B, Rock, Post-Disco und Funk. Die Aufnahmen fanden zwischen April und November 1982 in den Westlake Recording Studios in Los Angeles mit einem Produktionsbudget von 750.000 US-Dollar statt. Von den neun Titeln auf dem Album wurden vier Stücke von Jackson geschrieben. Es wurden sieben Singles aus Thriller ausgekoppelt, die alle die Top 10 der Billboard Hot 100 erreichten; zwei davon, Billie Jean und Beat It sogar die Spitze der Charts.

Mit rund 65 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren ist Thriller das weltweit meistverkaufte Album. Andere Quellen gehen sogar von bis zu 110 Millionen Einheiten aus. Bei den Grammy Awards 1984 gewann Jackson für das Album acht Preise, was bis heute ebenfalls einen Rekord darstellt. In der Liste der 500 besten Alben aller Zeiten der Musikzeitschrift Rolling Stone belegt Thriller Platz 20.
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User Album Review
It’s hard to believe now, but when Michael Jackson’s Thriller was released in the UK in time for Christmas 1982, there was an initial sense of misfire. In choosing the album's most lacklustre track, The Girl Is Mine, as its lead single, the postcard delivered was mildly disappointing. The playful duet with Paul McCartney, chosen no doubt to emulate the success McCartney had had earlier the same year with Stevie Wonder on Ebony and Ivory, was simply not what the listeners were expecting. It reached number eight on the UK chart, and the album sold well, but certainly not in the manner that the man who’d delivered Off the Wall should have done.
By the following Christmas, Thriller had become the phenomenon it remains to this day. Singles kept dropping off the album like golden fruit from a platinum bough: the precision snap of that snare on UK number one Billie Jean; the raucous Eddie Van Halen guitar on Beat It; the groove-driven frenzy of Wanna Be Startin' Something. It became apparent that this was a remarkable, ever-yielding pop jukebox.
By 1984, the album got an extension on its lifecycle with the John Landis-directed video for Thriller, which took the album from successful pop record to cultural icon. Casting the then-clean cut, scandal-free singer as a werewolf in a 15-rated short film was a risk, but one that truly paid off. Soon enough Thriller had become a greatest hits package ”“ seven of its nine tracks were issued as singles.
Love it or hate it, Thriller is pop's great, immovable Everest. Marketing departments realised that more and more singles could be pulled from a record to prolong its shelf life, and Michael Jackson became the King of Pop with the whole of the recording industry at his investiture.
It was, of course, never the same for Jackson after Thriller. All that followed was a long, gradual downhill slope that culminated in some forgettable records and a tragic early death. But this view from the summit remains unparalleled.

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