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Can't Scrape 3 tracks in to Kodi Music Videos Library

Posted: 28 Jan 2021 21:41
Posts: 3
Joined: 2020-08-29

I have three tracks that won't scrape in. I've checked spelling etc. and how they are named on audioDB but still won't go in. I'm using LibreElec (Kodi 18.9) and the file names won't take special characters in this instance / when renaming the tracks
The three tracks are:
AC/DC - Highway to Hell.mp4 (I've tried AC-DC as the Alternative name)
Silento - Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae).mp4 (LibreElec/Kodi removes the / when naming the file)
Beyoncé - Best Thing I Never Had.mp4

What i'm i missing?

Posted: 12 Feb 2021 20:34
Posts: 1
Joined: 2021-02-11

I have been building out a Kodi library recently and have had a few instances where the scraper would not recognize a particular video where my naming was exactly as in the AudioDb. (Examples: 'Prince - 1999', 'King Princess - 1950', 'Will.I.Am - T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever)'.

It's not worth spending extra time trying to figure out (imo)... quicker just to create a 'parsing .nfo' file just to get the video imported into the Kodi library.
1) Find the song in AudioDb (using AC/DC - Highway to Hell as example.
2) When you click the track, Copy the URL of the track; ie-
3) Open up Notepad and Paste the URL.
4) Save the file as the name of your .mp4 you are trying to import, with .nfo extension. (Does your .mp4 name Really have a forward slash in the name? Let's just say your .mp4 file is 'AC-DC - Highway to Hell.mp4' - You'd save the .nfo file with same name... AC-DC - Highway to Hell.nfo )
5) Put the .nfo file into the same location as the .mp4's you are loading into Kodi
6) Update Library in Kodi. Your video should now be recognized and import.
7) (the .nfo file can be deleted)

Posted: 12 Feb 2021 20:50
Posts: 259
Joined: 2020-07-14

Yep generally this happens when MusicBrainz uses a wierd encoding character for hyphon, or apostrophe. There are 2 types of hyphen and apostrophes can be straight or curly!! We can of course fix it on the backend database here, but its a real pain as then it differs from MusicBrainz in future imports.

Personally I think its best to simply nfo these missing file matches.

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