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album thumb 2016 - Purgatorio
album thumb 2004 - Paradiso
album thumb 1973 - Inferno
album thumb 1972 - ...e fu il sesto giorno

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flag Rome, Italy

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Metamorfosi is an Italian progressive rock band. They formed in Rome in 1969, and released their first album in 1972, "...e fu il sesto giorno". Starting with their second album, "Inferno" (1973), they embarked on an ambitious project to interpret Dante's work in a rock form. The album is treasured among fans of Italian progressive rock, but the band split up soon afterward, having written the second part, Paradiso, but not recorded it. In 2004, vocalist Davide Spitaleri and keyboard player Enrico Olivieri got back together and recorded Paradiso.

The group "I Frammenti" and Jimmy Spitaleri , gave life to METAMORFOSI in 1970. As a result of rehearsals on their new compositions, the group came up with its first LP "E FU IL SESTO GIORNO"" manufactured by the record company VEDETTE. The record was put on sale on 29 May 1972.

It contained songs like "CREPUSCOLO", "HIROSHIMA", "E LUI AMAVA I FIORI", where man was placed as the center of the universe together with his errors, his fears and his hopes. After a brief pause, Enrico Olivieri and Jimmy Spitaleri, always in search of new musical experiences and new sonority, composed and arranged "INFERNO", a rock opera inspired by Dante's Comedy. During this period, the guitarist Luciano Tamburro and the drummer, Mario Natali, left the Group and were replaced by the drummer, Gianluca Herygers. METAMORFOSI was ready for recording "INFERNO" with a new line-up: Jimmy Spitaleri (voice), Enrico Olivieri (piano, Hammond organ synthesizer and keyboards), Roberto Turbitosi (bass) and Gianluca Herygers (drums).

The record was released on 30 January 1973, again by the record company VEDETTE. With this LP the group found its real identity, using a musical language that transcends from rock to jazz to classic, which was successively defined as PROGRESSIVE ROCK. On the firm rhythm of drums, bass and piano alternate parts of keyboard, synthesizer, and voice. The composers borrowed the infernal theme of Dante Alighieri to be able to manifest their cries of protest denouncing the evils of society and those who contribute to its sustainance. In 1973, the group had a tour all over Veneto and Friuli, with FLEA, GARYBALDI and R.R.R. They also played at the Flaminio Stadium in Rome ("Festival di Avanguardia e Nuove Tendenze", 1972) and at the Palasport of Rome ("Festival della Musica Popolare", 1973). They held concerts in clubs and theaters.

The group subsequently broke up following the destiny of who persists - with spontaneity and simplicity - to express what they think, to sing and play the music in which they believe without compromises and without eyeing on the kind of music that allows the record company to sell more copies. Twenty-two years passed during which Enrico Olivieri and Jimmy Spitaleri never abandoned the idea of completing the musical endeavor which they started with "INFERNO". In Spring of 1995, thanks to an encounter with the recordist Massimo Guarini, and the journalist Guido Bellachioma, both encouraged the group to resume and to start to prepare "PARADISO", the sequel to "INFERNO".

In November 1995, the group recorded a song entitled "MURUROA", inspired by the old controversy "nuclears" initiated 23 years ago with "HIROSHIMA", their first song. "MURUROA" will be released soon in a collection of Progressive Songs under the label "Progressivamente Italia" (GMP002). For METAMORFOSI, 6 September 1996, was a historical date. The Group made a public performance in "Progressivamente Festival" at "Testaccio Village" in Rome. It was a big event on Progressive Music, where they executed and recorded "INFERNO" live. The performers were composed of Jimmy Spitaleri and Enrico Olivieri and the newcomers to the Group, Fabio Moresco at the drums and Leonardo Gallucci at the bass. At the mixer was the ever faithful, Sandro Borgioni, who controlled the sound balance. The consent of the public, about 3,000 persons, was unanimous. The group recovered its vitality to continue with the preparation of "PARADISO", a rock opera, which together with "PURGATORIO" will complete the Divina Commedia plan of METAMORFOSI. The CD will be released in late spring of 2004.

The group now includes Jimmy Spitaleri, Enrico Olivieri, and a powerful rhythm section with newcomers Leonardo Gallucci (bass and classical guitar) and Fabio Moresco (drums). The new CD was presented with a beautiful concert in Rome in June, and the group was invited to play in the U.S. at NEARfest in Philadelphia in July.
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21st Jul 2021



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