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New Swedish rockers Ignition have been getting a fair rave within melodic circles, and I can see why, but I also see a few other points.
First up, this, like so many great Swedish bands, rocks big time and is going to appeal to a wide range of hard rock and melodic rock fans.
The band's debut album consists of tracks primary sourced from US songwriters, with the band only contributing a couple of their own. While I won't second guess the band's writing skills, I can say that the songs chosen are all high quality and well worthy of their inclusion here.
Another highlight is the excellent production quality. The whole mix/sound is first rate, with the added bonus of some great backing vocals and guitar overdubs in all the right places. Overall, the whole package is very professional and above average for the scene as a whole.
In fact, it really has that big fat Mike Slamer production feel to it...expect with a European twist, not an American one.
The album isn't an instant hit - it requires a few listens, with more of it's qualities being unearthed each listen.
Backing vocals are as good as they are, because Goran Edmon is the man responsible on all tracks.
As I have said, the songs are terrific, with lots of heavy guitar riffs, a thumping rhythm and importantly, good melodic choruses. The tempo changes from uptempo hard rock, to moody mid-tempo, and straight ahead melodic rock/AOR and a couple of good rock ballads.
Tell Me Your Mine is one of the better rockers on the album and Fire With Fire is a cool moody rock track.
Goodbye To The Good Times is reminiscent of Jaded Heart at their best and First To Cry is an old Mark Free demo that remains fresh and appealing.
Matti Alfonzetti co-writes one track and other songs are sourced from great writers like Cliff Magnus, Bob Marlette & Tom Whitlcok, Tommy Funderburk, Billy Sherwood & Guy Allison and more.
Now to the only 'but' of the whole album. I'm not a great fan of the vocalist. His dark, raspy and somewhat gruff vocals aren't my usual choice. As it is, he does add a heavier feel to proceedings, as this would be pure heavy AOR if a smoother vocalist was in place.
I'm a big vocalist person. So as good as this album's songs and production is, the voice does take a little away for me. Others might feel quite the opposite, but I feel the point had to be said.

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Last Edit by zag
01st Mar 2022



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