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album thumb 2014 - Another Language
album thumb 2011 - Tunnel Blanket
album thumb 2008 - This Will Destroy You

members icon 4 Male

flag Texas, USA

genre icon Post-Rock

style icon Rock/Pop



born icon 2005

calendar icon 2005 to Present...


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4 users heart off This Will Destroy You - Quiet
4 users heart off This Will Destroy You - The World Is Our ___
4 users heart off This Will Destroy You - I Believe in Your Victory
4 users heart off This Will Destroy You - Grandfather Clock
4 users heart off This Will Destroy You - They Move on Tracks of Never-End...

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This Will Destroy You, often abbreviated to TWDY, is an American post-rock band from San Marcos, Texas, formed in 2005. The band consists of guitarists Jeremy Galindo and Chris King, bass player and keyboardist Donovan Jones and drummer Alex Bhore. They typically compose lengthy atmospheric instrumental pieces, featuring layers of effects-laden guitar and a heavy usage of dynamics.
Their latest album, Tunnel Blanket, was released in May 2011. It entered the Billboard Heatseekers Album Chart at number 25.

Influenced by artists such as Godspeed You! Black Emperor, David Bowie, Mice Parade, Stars of the Lid and Animal Collective the band's compositions typically feature a wide dynamic range, with slow build-ups to a "wall of noise" crescendo. The guitars are usually the most prominent feature of the band's sound, combining ambient soundscapes with simple melodies, and using a number of effects, such as reverb, sustain and distortion.

Many reviews categorized the band's early releases as post-rock, and compared them to other bands of the genre, most notably fellow Texas instrumental group Explosions in the Sky, although the band members largely reject this description, with Donovan Jones saying: “Fuck post-rock, and fuck being called post-rock.” In an interview with the Dallas Observer, Jeremy Galindo said, "It can be aggravating. I think after this new album comes out, a lot of that is gonna stop. Because this next album is definitely gonna be sounding more like the stuff that we do listen to." The band describe their new sound as being darker and heavier, referring to it as "doomgaze", a portmanteau of doom metal and shoegaze.
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14th Apr 2013

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