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Nathalie Loriers

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Award-winning Belgian jazz pianist that plays across Europe. Nathalie Loriers first had a classical training but soon turned to jazz following workshops and seminaries, when studying in the Brussels Royal Conservatory's jazz section where she receives a first jazz prize for harmony and piano in 1990. This was followed by the Sax Prize of the Jazz Critics Association in 1989, Belga Prize for the Brussels Jazz Rally Best Soloist in 1990 and first prize of the French speaking public radios Jazz Contest in 1991. She plays with Steve HOUBEN, Diederik WISSELS, David LINX, Félix SIMTAINE, Toots THIELEMANS, Philip CATHERINE, Rachel GOULD, Hélène LABARRIERE as well as Lee KONITZ, Al LEVITT - with whom she recorded a CD in 1993 - and many other figures of the Belgian jazz scene. Nathalie LORIERS formed her own quartet with Kurt VAN HERCK (sax), Philippe AERTS (bass), Mimi VERDERAME (dms), with whom she recorded her first CD album, Nymphéas (June 1991). In January 1993, she recorded an album with Lee KONITZ and Al LEVITT. In '93, she recorded with Cameron BROWN (b), Rick HOLLANDER (drs) and Jeroen VAN HERZEELE (sax) the CD "Dance or Die" (Igloo). In '99, she received the Belgian Django d'Or and in 2000, a EuroDjango award in the category "contemporary European jazz artist". She also receives the Bobby JASPAR Prize from the French "Académie du Jazz" for her achievements as a European musician. She appeared with Ivan PADUART's TRUE STORY band, with a.o. Charlie MARIANO (sax), Peter HERTMANS (gt), Jean-Pierre CATOUL (vl), etc... (CD "True Stories"). She participated in a CD of Italian saxophone player Emanuele CISI, titled "L'ange caché" (Pygmalion), with Paolo FRESU (tp), Rémi VIGNOLO (bass) and Aldo ROMANO (drs). Since October 1994, she is a jazz piano teacher at the Koninklijke Conservatorium van Brussel. Nathalie LORIERS is also a composer. She plays a lot in trio, with Sal LAROCCA (bass) and Hans VAN OOSTERHOUT (drums) and tours in Belgium and abroad. Late 1995 she released her third CD "Walking Through Walls, Walking Along Walls" (Igloo). In 1999, she released another trio CD: "Silent Spring". She also appeared with her own sextet, Nathalie LORIERS Trio + EXTENSIONS. In May 2002, with this formula, release of the CD: "Tombouctou"
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Last Edit by Zhaonuo
03rd Mar 2015



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